OnTouch MV + MZ
A downloadable RPG Maker Plugin
This plugin allows an event to have separate logic for being clicked/touched instead of the player moving towards it.
Just use the !OnTouch: plugin command at any point in your map event's active page to start execution from there when it is touched using pointer input. You can use the command multiple times with different conditions to define multiple zones of player reach and active areas on the sprite itself.
Before deploying for Linux on Windows, you must update MV's NW.js runtime.
- !OnTouch: uses the actual sprite position, size and draw order on screen and, by default, ignores fully transparent pixels…
- …meaning all of a single large sprite is clickable, but not if visually obscured by another currently clickable event sprite.
- That also means it works seamlessly with pixel movement plugins like Altimit Movement, as well as events that are mid-jump or mid-move.
- A single map event page can have multiple entry points (top-to-bottom).
- Overall, the first encountered label with all player location conditions met is chosen.
- When an !OnTouch: label is triggered,
very early in the frame. You can use this to avoid fallback actions. - Only visible sprites interact with !OnTouch:.
- This plugin is likely great for mini games and puzzles and such:
- Instead of using a custom plugin or setting up the screen with events or JS, you can simply use the map editor and event pages to construct your game.
- Since !OnTouch: works immediately, the player can interact with the interface quickly, without waiting for their character to move into position.
- If you are making a game where the mouse controls directional actions, you can use measure conditions to still allow click interaction with only nearby events.
- Accidentally hovered events that are further away from the player won't interfere with fast-paced game flow this way.
- Use the RevertOnTouchTurn command at the end of character interactions from afar to make the player turn away from them again as well.
- (It seems a bit more natural to me.)
- You can use !OnTouchColorImage and colour channel picking (see below) to create complex scoring targets like a darts board with just a single sprite and a single !OnTouch: command.
- (However, just clicking on a darts board with the mouse likely isn't fun. This plugin's JavaScript API lets you use other input for aiming in theory, but not without considerable additional JavaScript to implement that input method.)
Load Order
OnTouch should work regardless of load order. However, processMapTouch
hook precedence can depend on the load order of plugins. (Later-loaded plugins have higher priority when preempting engine functions.)
If you make use of Playtest: Clean MZ !OnTouch: Arguments? (see below), then load this plugin before data file formatters like Pretty JSON.
Plugin Parameters
!OnTouch: Command,
!OnTouchColorImage Command and
RevertOnTouchTurn Command
These controls the name of the respective MV-style plugin commands.
The MZ-style commands are unaffected.
Require Files (Validate?)
Iff ON, will throw a descriptive error when MV-style !OnTouchColorImage requests an image file that hasn't been declared as used in the nested parameters.
MZ Note: Declaring files here is unnecessary for the MZ-style plugin commands.
Note: This validation stays active also after deploying the game, since it's fast and the game would most likely just crash with a missing image instead, without telling you which event is responsible.
Consider turning this OFF if you don't use "Exclude unused files" when deploying the game.
Playtest: Validate Decorators?
During playtest only: Validates use of this plugin's commands in all pages of all of a map's events whenever the map is entered by the player. Immediately throws a descriptive error if anything is amiss, so that you don't have to check them individually for typos.
Note that this can cause custom !OnTouch Color Images to be loaded earlier, but the difference shouldn't be noticeable.
Playtest: Clean MZ !OnTouch: Arguments?

When using the MZ-style !OnTouch: command, the editor unfortunately inserts about a page worth of comment lines right after, listing all parameters.
You normally can't delete those individually, but this feature cleans up all that are empty or have their default value (which means the same here).
The changes are reflected in the editor only after reloading the project, which MZ should prompt for automatically.
Also affects !On Touch (basic parameters):, although it's less necessary.
This parameter is mostly useless in RPG Maker MV, so leave if off to make playtests load a bit faster.
Note: Using this feature can lead to crashes when playtesting inside a synchronised folder like OneDrive.
Plugin Commands
!OnTouch (basic parameters): (MZ only)
This is treated exactly the same as !OnTouch:, but presents only the six likely most common parameters in the editor to avoid page stretching.
(Map event decorator/label.)
This plugin command does nothing when reached while executing an event, and in fact is not even registered.
However, if a map event is touched using pointer input, and if this command appears directly in its active page, then the event script starts running from this command (inclusively) instead of updating the player's destination.
The player's movement is only interrupted if the event isn't instant.
MV Arguments:
Use each of these without quotes.
(MZ: See plugin command GUI for details; all arguments are available.)
"turnPlayer=X" where
- X is one of true/false/ON/OFF.
Controls whether the player turns towards the touched event.
By default this is ON.
"lockEvent=X" where
- X is one of true/false/ON/OFF/auto:
- "true"/"ON": The event should face the player and stop autonomous movement until event processing exits.
- "false"/"OFF": The event should continue autonomous movement and not revert its direction when event processing exits.
- "auto": Determined by event page trigger as normal, where the triggers with player interaction lock the event.
By default this is 'auto'.
Hint: Use "lockEvent=OFF" when the party just observes or comments on it.
"button=X" where
- X is one of ok/cancel/either/left/right.
Controls which mouse button can activate the event.
By default this is 'ok'.
'left' and 'right' are aliased to 'ok' and 'cancel', respectively.
Caution: It may be impossible to input 'cancel' on touchscreen devices, especially if 'ok' is also bound in that visual area.
"ChannelOpValue" where
- Channel is one of red/green/blue/alpha.
- Op is one of </≤/<=/=/>=/≥/>.
- Value is either an unsigned integer in base 10 or an unsigned integer in base 16, prefixed with 0x.
Adds a colour test for the event sprite's pixel at the touch location.
If 'alpha' is not used here or with color=, then the pixel must still not be fully transparent. Use e.g. only alpha>=0 to check against the sprite's bounding box.
"color=X" where
- X is an HTML-like color that's "#" followed by 3, 4, 6 or 8 hex digits, i.e. #rgb, #rgba, #rrggbb or #rrggbbaa.
Using color= with an RGBA value turns off the implicit alpha test as if the 'alpha' channel was used in a channel test.
"MeasureOpSignValue" where
- Measure is one of circleDistance/tileDistance/right/left/front/back/x/y.
- Op is one of </≤/<=/=/>=/≥/>.
- Sign is one of +/- or missing.
- Value is an integer or decimal number.
Adds a player position test. Any number of tests can be added, including for the same measure.
The measure is calculated from the touched event's perspective, unless x or y are used without sign, in which case the player's map coordinate is measured.
The unit is map tiles. If map tiles are non-square, then the circleDistance is squished accordingly. The tileDistance is the Manhattan distance along the grid axes.
Relative measures can be negative.
You can shorten "Distance" to "Dist" in the measure names.
The allowed player positions are the intersection ("AND") of all tests of each decorator label. To effectively union ("OR") the areas, use multiple copies of this decorator label with distinct clipping.
"pickChannel=V" where
- Channel is one of Red/Green/Blue/Alpha/Rgb/PercentX/PercentY.
- V is "V" followed by an unsigned integer in base 10.
If this entry point is used, stores the integer value of Channel in the RPG Maker Variable with id N.
"Rgb" is stored as 0xRRGGBB. PercentX and PercentY together are the touch location as (rounded!) percentage of the respective sprite dimension.
MV: Picking is evaluated from left to right. The Variable ID 0 is invalid.
MZ: Picking is evaluated in GUI order. Each channel can be assigned to at most one Variable, so please copy the values using other commands if needed. If Variable ID 0 (None) is chosen, no picking is done there.
Hint: Place "!OnTouch: turnPlayer=OFF lock=OFF" (with tests as needed) at the end of an event to make a click occluder. You can add the Script command TS_OnTouch.oldProcessMapTouch.call(SceneManager._scene)
to still walk to the touched point (needs to run on the same frame!) OR, alternatively, Script $gameTemp.setDestination(this.x, this.y)
inside a movement route targeting "This Event" to make the player walk up to and if possible interact with it (at any time, as this
inside a movement route refers to the character the route is for).
!OnTouchColorImage (MV) / !OnTouch Color Image (MZ)
(Map event decorator. Must appear at most once and only before indentation.)
Causes the pixel color lookup to happen against a custom bitmap instead of the one used to render the event.
MV: Write only the filename without extension of the tileset or character image to use after a single space. The folder is determined automatically to match the visible sprite's.
The MV-style command can't mark a file as required by itself! Please declare any image files in the plugin parameters if you'd like to make use of "Exclude unused files".
MZ: Any one image in img/ can be selected using the file picker. The selected file is marked as required automatically.
Note that this lookup does *not* compensate for differing image sizes (other than clamping the coordinates), so the image should have the same dimensions as the one used for rendering.
Hint: Try to match the touchable size of items to their visual importance.
A small but remarkable and important item should probably react to touch even a few pixels around it, while it may make sense to trim some of the finer branches and stray pixels of unremarkable foliage that acts as occluder.
RevertOnTouchTurn (MV) / Revert OnTouch Turn (MZ)
Turns the player towards the direction they were facing before they turned due to !OnTouch: use.
JavaScript API
This plugin unconditionally sets the frozen global variable TS_OnTouch
to a sealed object when first loaded.
On it, the following properties are available:
Semantic Version-compatible featureLevel
and patchLevel
I don't reset the patchLevel
to 0 when incrementing featureLevel
, so that patchLevel
alone is enough to determine whether a certain fix is available in each version.
This property is frozen and the object is frozen.
Parsed plugin parameters, with trailing _
and _files
stripped from property names. Values of string properties (originally with trailing _
) are trimmed.
This property is frozen as parameters
is directly captured.
Direction the player was facing before last turning towards a touched event.
Initially 0. This is used by RevertOnTouchTurn / Revert OnTouch Turn.
Resets when Game_Map.prototype.setupStartingMapEvent
returns true
oldProcessMapTouch, newProcessMapTouch, oldMakeSaveContents, newMakeSaveContents, oldExtractSaveContents, newExtractSaveContents, oldLock, newLock, oldSetupNewGame, newSetupNewGame, oldSetupStartingMapEvent, newSetupStartingMapEvent, oldPluginCommand, newPluginCommand, oldUpdateOther and newUpdateOther
Functions associated with engine hooks installed by this plugin, where old…
has the original implementation and new…
this plugin's.
The hooks are installed with a small trampoline, which means that changes to these properties are effective at the respective position in the call chain.
mzRevertOnTouchTurn(): void
Overridable RPG Maker MZ plugin command handler function.
(The decorator commands beginning with "!" are just ignored when reached in a script, so there's no need to define an empty handler for them.)
comparisonOps: Map<string, (number, number) => boolean>
A lookup table for comparison operators. You can add custom ones, where the first argument is the in-game value and the second the one given in the command argument. However, operators can only contain the characters ≥≤><=~! due to the RegExp literal used for fast argument parsing.
The operators supported by default are <, ≤, <=, =, >=, ≥ and > (where <= means ≤ and >= means ≥).
This property is frozen.
enumerateEventsVisibleAt(sceneMap, x, y): { event: Game_Event, pixelColor: Uint8ClampedArray, pX: number, py: number }
Yields information on the events whose sprite intersects the touch coordinates (x
, y
), front to back.
Caution: This function makes use of cached transforms to avoid overhead.
As such, the results may be inconsistent when called between the ends of Scene_Map.prototype.updateDestination
and Scene_Map.prototype.update
getOnTouchColorBitmap(event, page): undefined | Bitmap | null
Retrieves the cached custom Bitmap
set for an event page, or null
if none was set. Returns undefined
if this information isn't available yet.
Note that the Bitmap
may have not yet loaded, even if it is returned here.
commandToOnTouch(event, command): null | { turnPlayer: boolean, lockEvent: true | false | undefined, button: 'ok' | 'cancel' | 'either', alphaTest: boolean, colorClips: Function[], playerClips: Function[], picks: Function[] }
Extracts and validates an !OnTouch: command. If the command isn't !OnTouch: or the MZ-style '!OnTouchBasic:'
, null
is returned instead.
Throws if the command is matched but invalid.
MV Hint: Any arguments starting with a '+' character are completely ignored.
You can implement additional clipping or picking options this way.
MZ Hint: The "headings" are note fields! You can use them to implement additional clipping or picking functions via note tags there.
Save Contents
This plugin creates and uses save data only under the defaulted TS_OnTouch
key, with the following properties:
Direction the player was facing before last turning towards a touched event.
Defaults to 0.
Compatibility Notes
This plugin was tested on RPG Maker MV 1.6.3 and RPG Maker MZ 1.7.0, uses only the public RPG Maker API as far as possible, and does not use any platform-specific APIs.
This plugin should be compatible with any deployment target available for RPG Maker MV and MZ, including web and most custom ones.
If you notice issues or glitches in combination with other plugins, please tell me about them, and I'll check if a compatibility tweak is feasible.
Since sprite display and real character positions are used, respectively, for hit detection and reach clipping, this plugin is compatible with most pixel movement plugins like AltimitMovement.js.
Copy of License Grant
(as included in the plugin file, aside from line wrapping)
A license for this plugin can be purchased at https://tamschi.itch.io/ontouch .
Once you have purchased it, you may redistribute and sublicense this plugin file as part of games you create. You may not sublicense it separately or as part of an asset- or resource-collection.
You may modify this plugin when including it with your games, as long as the attribution above and this license grant stay intact. If you do so, you must add comments to indicate which changes you made from the original.
Updated | 22 days ago |
Status | Released |
Category | Assets |
Rating | Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars (1 total ratings) |
Author | Tamschi |
Made with | RPG Maker |
Tags | mouse, plugin, rmmv, rmmz, RPG Maker, Touch-Friendly |
Average session | A few seconds |
Languages | English |
Inputs | Mouse, Touchscreen |
Links | Imprint / Impressum, Support |
In order to download this RPG Maker Plugin you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $10 USD. You will get access to the following files:
Development log
- Ver. 1.0.1: Fix for Submerged Events22 days ago
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If you don’t need pixel testing, picking, interaction ranges, mouse button choice, multiple entry points or mid-move accuracy, then also have a look at Tor Damian Design’s Mouse System Ex, which is free but tests only against the event’s occupied tile.